The Matriarch of the I.Y.O.A.

In Scottsdale, Arizona resides the R.C.S. (Radio Controlled Ship) MUSASHI, owned and built by myself, Barrett Hochhaus. First concieved early in 2006, the Musashi would wait until August of that year to begin construction. Currently the largest member of the IYOA, she comes in at a brawny 8 feet, 3 inches long, and about 14.5 inches wide.
Perhaps the most unusual Yamato-class R/C model in the world today, the Musashi is made almost entirely out of CARDBOARD! The sheet cardboard, about 1/8 inch thick, is cut into shape, glued together, and coated with fiberglass resin, which is then sanded and painted, to become seaworthy. Not the most accurate ship in terms of detail, she will be impressive nonetheless whenever she takes to the waters.
The Musashi went on Builder's Trials on September 23, 2006 and spent over an hour in the water using only 2 rechargable 2500 MaH batteries, which is extremely efficient for one of my boats. Her hull is very streamlined and her weight is much less than other ships of her class. She is also rumored to be the fastest of my large 8+foot ships (the others being my ocean liner Queen Mary and cruise ship Ecstasy).
On October 1st, 2006, Musashi made her Maiden Voyage. She was an immediate hit with the members of the r.c. boat club which I belong to. Hopefully, she has a long long life ahead of her.
Longer than her namesake anyway.
Built by: Barrett Hochhaus, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA
Built: 2006
Length Overall: 8 feet, 3 inches
Width: 14.5 inches
Home Waters: Dobson Lake, Mesa Arizona, USA
Perhaps the most unusual Yamato-class R/C model in the world today, the Musashi is made almost entirely out of CARDBOARD! The sheet cardboard, about 1/8 inch thick, is cut into shape, glued together, and coated with fiberglass resin, which is then sanded and painted, to become seaworthy. Not the most accurate ship in terms of detail, she will be impressive nonetheless whenever she takes to the waters.
The Musashi went on Builder's Trials on September 23, 2006 and spent over an hour in the water using only 2 rechargable 2500 MaH batteries, which is extremely efficient for one of my boats. Her hull is very streamlined and her weight is much less than other ships of her class. She is also rumored to be the fastest of my large 8+foot ships (the others being my ocean liner Queen Mary and cruise ship Ecstasy).
On October 1st, 2006, Musashi made her Maiden Voyage. She was an immediate hit with the members of the r.c. boat club which I belong to. Hopefully, she has a long long life ahead of her.
Longer than her namesake anyway.
Built by: Barrett Hochhaus, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA
Built: 2006
Length Overall: 8 feet, 3 inches
Width: 14.5 inches
Home Waters: Dobson Lake, Mesa Arizona, USA